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Summary of Question:Re: Equality between religions
Date Posted:Saturday, 7/22/2000 8:33 PM MDT
I have read what you said "But going from the excellence of Khalsa to a system that requires almost nothing of you is not an improvement".

Now as I see it (Mind you I am not very literate in sikhi), sikhism offers a path to GOD regardless of what religion you belong to. SO be it you Muslim, Christian, Sikh,..etc..etc.. U will get to God.

Now someone told me, that you HAVE to be a sikh to get to GOD and if your not then you (don't know how your meant to be selective about your next religious life) will be born again as a sikh and then get to god.

So first U have equality, or more like Respect for other faiths and their practices..etc.etc. But when it comes to getting to GOD the Khalsa is a fast way.

Now what I want to know, are you not saying that "U gotta be in our club" to get there faster. Like the christians, Believe in Jesus and be saved or be doomed.

I am on my journey and am reading about sikhism and sometimes like everyone, I too get confused. So if I have said something wrong, please forgive me.


You really have to be careful what you listen to.

Read about the life of Guru Nanak. Read Jap Ji Sahib and study it in English every day for 40 days.

The Sikh way is not the only way. the Sikh way is to seek the truth...the unchanging truth of God....the Sikh way respects all paths to God. Our Guru Teg Bahadur and Guru Gobind Singh protected the rights of the Hindu's to worship.

The Golden Temple is a house of God. It has 4 doors, open to all 4 directions for all people to come and worship God. the Creator and the Creation are one. We do not dam people who are not Sikhs. We do not feel that we are the chosen people or that we are better than any others that God has created.

Do not listen to foolish words of people. Study, meditate and let your inner awareness and intuition develop and guide you.

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Re: Equality between religions (07/22/2000)
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