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Summary of Question:What do other people think of khalistan?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Monday, 2/07/2000 9:22 AM MST

I am a 17yrs, shaved sikh youth, in the uk and i wanted to know what others thought of have an independent country under the sikh national flag?

Personally i think it is a great idea because sikh's just like jews have been persicuted and the jews have established Israel but us Sikh's need a country which can stick up for your rights and Guru given right's. I also think terrorism is not the way to go about it and only the pen in this case is mighter than the sword!

Khalistan Zindabad


Let's say we had our own country. What if more Hindus move into the country than Sikh's. Are they not allowed to vote? Would we have first and second class citizens? To keep a sikh majority, would we force some of them to leave and kill or imprison the ones that refuse?
Khalsa is not a political concept. It might have political consequences, but it can't be based on a geographic identity. Political power comes with responsibility to strive for the best for all people under your domain. When everything is based on religion first, then you have to exclude some people right from the beginning. That's not what we are. We serve all, we see the God in all. How can we discriminate?
Khalsa will rule the whole world, why limit it to some tiny borders?

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. . Re: What Do Other People Think Of Khalistan? (07/14/2000)
. . Re: What do other people think of khalistan? (09/05/2000)
. . Re: What Do Other People Think Of Khalistan? (09/28/2000)
What do other people think of khalistan? (02/07/2000)
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