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Summary of Question:Re: does guru respond?
Date Posted:Thursday, 9/21/2000 8:33 AM MDT
Guru Fateh,

The question arises "DO WE LISTEN"

Have you ever gone to Guru Sahib in the time of some trouble before going to other people? Have you ever asked Guru Sahib to respond? Guru is still guiding us at every step, still speaking to us at every moment, we don't listen.

Start your day with Hukamnammah, then see what Guru Sahib tells you to do. Then would you do that, what Guru Sahib will say? Guru Sahib told us "Awar Kaaj Tere Kitte na Kaam, Mil Saadh Sangat Bhaj Kewal Naam" do we do that? Guru Sahib is always there, we have to go and ask for a response.

Try understanding the messages you receive everyday,

Good Luck,


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