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Summary of Question:does guru respond?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Saturday, 9/16/2000 7:47 AM MDT

waha guru ji ka khalsa

waha guru ji ki fateh
respected sir,
i am curious to know that does GURU respond?does he have a heart to see suffering a person is going on due to health,finncial crisis,fall in studies etc.
when i say i am talking toGURU,am i infact talking to him?or it is just my self communicating with me?how doesGURU communicate to us?
how far we should hold on for GURU to respond when my life is going all down the lane in suffering?

When you ask, Guru responds. Siri Guru Granth Sahib responds each time you go before it and ask your question and take the hukam and get the response. You need no itermediary. You can go to Guru directly and Guru will speak directly to you. Have you tried this?

Siri Guru will take you from darkness to light. It is a perfect computer. You should hold on to Guru with no doubt until your very last breath. What comes to you in life is God's gift to you. Whether it be in the form of happinness or sorrow it is God's gift to you. The rare part of this is your understanding and accepting this truth.

This is why we recite Gurbani, Nitnem, and why we read from gain this deep and perfect uunderstanding and to understand life from Infinite perspective...not just in limited worldly perspectives.

You are a result of your actions. Just think...the only command the Guru gives is "Jaap".

Try taking a hukam each day for the next 40 it, understand it....and see how the Guru works in your life.

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does guru respond? (09/16/2000)
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