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Summary of Question:Do Non-Baptized Sikhs Have To Keep Kesh?
Date Posted:Monday, 2/02/2004 12:13 PM MST

According to the guru granth sahib?does a sikh (man or women) need to keep their hair and turban if they are "not" baptized? b/c everywhere I read, it says that a sikh must keep their hair and turban when they take amrit and become amritdhari. just wondering.

Once amritdhari, a Sikh keeps their kesh and dashtar. Before that, some do, some don't. Many take it seriously whether or not they are baptized. While I would like to see all those who call themselves Sikh keep kesh and dashtar, fact is they don't. It's not in Guru Granth Sahib, that's why you don't see it uniformly considered.
guru ang sang,

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Do Non-Baptized Sikhs Have To Keep Kesh? (02/02/2004)
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