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Summary of Question:American Sikhs & Yoga
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Thursday, 11/20/2003 2:20 PM MST

Why do white American Sikhs keep on showing allegiance to Kundalini & Yogic practices when all these have been categorically decried and refuted by Sikh Gurus in the holy Guru Granth Sahib where Naam & only Naam has been taught as the Path to God?Perhaps that is why they cannot mingle with mainstream Sikhs!

Sat Nam. Like many people, you misinterpret the SGGS when it comes to yoga. The Gurus blasted anyone who maintained that yogic, Brahmin, ascetic or other practices and austerities were the MEANS to liberation. Many yogis and ascetics in our Gurus' time taught and believed this. Nanak blasted the THINKING of the people doing the practices, not the practices themselves; Nanak had no problem with the yogi who did his yoga and ALSO practiced the Naam. If you are serious about truly understanding this aspect of SGGS, please search this site and use keywords "yoga" and "Guru". You will see, if you read thorough history of the 10 Gurus, that several of them were taught and practiced yogic practices. Additionally, the breath practices described by both Kabeer (Kabir) and Jai Dev are ancient yogic 'pranayam' type practices. (Keyword them too for references.) They ALSO practiced the Naam. American Sikhs (I am one of them) understand that yoga is a TECHNOLOGY for being a better Sikh and person all around, period. We do NOT regard it as the path to liberation. Big difference, one that you should perhaps learn.
Guru ang sang,

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