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Summary of Question:Depression & Grades Suffering
Date Posted:Sunday, 3/09/2008 3:30 PM MDT


I;m a college freshman (19 yrs old) and lately, my grades have begun to suffer because I have been having repeating thoughts about my past. I keep on thinking about my boyfriend who broke up with me about 3/4 years ago. We havent been in touch since. Once we broke up, I promised myself that i would try to walk on the right path and listen to my parents from now on (i.e. not hurt them anymore). I havent been in trouble since, but lately, my past has sort of come back to haunt me. I cant stop thinking of him (my ex) and sometimes I get so anxious to try to talk to him (but I always stop myself with the grace of God). This might sound weird, but Ive always had this voice inside me that sort of tells me to stay away from him (ex) and work hard and pray everyday, for only then will God find a way to make the one I love come back into my life. Basically, something tells me that he will walk back into my life, but I have to put my energies elsewhere first...I dont know if I should listen to this voice, whether its telling me the truth. If you are a sikh, is it ok for you to fall in love with someone? Do you think this voice is truthful? All of this has made me depressed for sometime now, and I cant concentrate on my studies anymore. I constantly have battles raging inside me, debating whether I should try to simply let go of my ex, find closure, move on etc., or still have some hope against all hopes that God will listen to my wish, and that dreams do perhaps come true. At some times during the day, I feel so mentally and physically exhausted from my emotional upheavals that I dont know what to do anymore. I try to pray whenever I can, but little helps.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank you, and God bless you.

Nineteen years old is not the time to think of a lasting relationship. Go out with friends and have fun. Study hard and get your education. A degree will give you a future, so concentrate on that now. Develop your self...your talents, hobbies, sports, etc. This time is for your self. That time will never come to you again. Once you get married and have children, it is much harder to have this time for you. Develop your relationship with God and with your self. It is true...if you know your self, you will attract to your self your true partner in life. Blessings to you, JJK

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