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Summary of Question:Atheists In The Afterlife?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Saturday, 9/06/2003 10:26 AM MDT


I am currently taking a world religions class in my school. we were discussing what happen after one dies according to different beliefs. I explained that sikhism believes in one being able to control ones own destiny, by doing good deeds, helping others and remembering god. I explained that the result the doing these things was the prevention of going through the circle of life and death (reincarnation) again and to remain with god. I then had one person ask me "what do you believe happens to people who dont believe in god?". i was very much stumped by the question but answered to the best of my ability. i said that if you do good deeds and help others there is no need to think that god is goin to punish you just for not believing in him, as is believed in christianity and islam. but if you dont believe in god you probably believe in some kother higher force, and that is your way of believing in him. the person was much impressed by the simple beliefs in sikhism and said thank you. However i would like to get a second opinion. What does happen to people who dont believe in god after death?

thanks and fateh!
J.T. Singh

Sat Siri Akaal. Your answer to the query about atheists is as good as any. Bless you for not judging atheists just because they don't believe in God.
Perhaps that is how God decided to instruct them in that round... by making them so they wouldn't believe in or worship Him. "O Nanak, as the Lord Himself engages him, so is he engaged; no one has any say in this matter." (slok, M. 3, ang 593) Who of us can say what happens to atheists after they die? I could give you some dogmatic answer but it would just be words. Sikhs believe everyone has their own understanding of God. This includes those who have no understanding of God, or perhaps choose not to. Whatever.

SGGS says that the person who does not remember God has wasted his/her life in vain. "O servant Nanak, without vibrating, meditating on the Lord God, human life is uselessly wasted and lost." (Jaitsiree, 9th Guru, ang 702).

Also, just because one is atheist does not mean they are not part of God's creation: "No one is my enemy, and I am no one's enemy. God, who expanded His expanse, is within all; I learned this from the True Guru. || 2 || I am a friend to all; I am everyone's friend." (Dhanasaree, M. 5, ang 671).
I hope this helps. Guru ang sang,

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