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Summary of Question:Accepting Kesh, But Not A Turban
Date Posted:Tuesday, 3/12/2002 11:13 PM MDT

Sat Sri Akhal...

I am male, 22...I have been following Sikh Sashtra and such for about 1 year. I have studied under some great spiritual people Bhagavatam, Upanishadas, Bible, Koran, Etc... BUT The Sundar Gutkaa never stops ringing in my heart. I KNOW the Sikh Path is for me.

Here's my issue/question...

PLEASE understand this is NOT meant to be a disreguard for the Guru's teachings or trying to get around something. there is one person who replies to most of these questoins who usually picks and assumes people are being negative.

I want to accept Kesh..,,I love hair and i have always thought that it is a special gift from our Creator GOD. however, why is it important, or why is it that the dastar is there? is is bad to show the hair? to keep it tidy and neat but let it be out of a turban? i feel very uncomfy in a turban (not just 9// general) and something inside is saying "SHOW IT OFF!" so..maybe someone out there can understand my situation. My body is caucasion and i was born in america...still live here (utah).

please give me some insight into what some Sikh's do to pacify this or what options i not Kalsa quality..YET...and thats not what im asking about..just the options and maybe some shared experiances/possibilites...

THANK YOU ALL! this message board is so awesome and all of the postings are great! thanks again!



Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa,
Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh.

Hmmm...let's speak straight about this, OK? Long hair, especially with men, is very attractive. That's why part of you says, "Show it off!" because there's an energetic response from the opposite sex to long hair. So-the turban is there for a reason-to teach you to contain yourself. Contain your mind, contain your sensuality, contain your projection. It's a discipline. God made you very beautiful as you are. The more you are willing to be YOU, as God made you, the more of a glow you will have. But then comes a trap because as you start to glow-you start to attract things very naturally to you-opportunities, potential parnters, influence over other people-and then comes the test. What do you love more? Your purity? Or the maya that starts chasing the glow of your purity? It's a test. A turban gives you a way to discipline yourself to live by your purity and your highest consciousness. That way, when maya starts coming after you, you have a discipline to keep yourself on track.

So-this is not an answer that's "by-the-book," but it comes from some experience of the heart. I hope this helps you.

Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa,
Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh.


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