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Summary of Question:Names Starting With "G"??
Date Posted:Monday, 4/15/2002 1:15 PM MDT


My cousin just had a baby(boy), and we are looking for names that start with the letter 'G'. Can you please help us?

Thank you
Gurmeet-friend of the Guru
Gurpreet-love of the Guru
Gurjeet-victory of the Guru
Gurucharan-feet of the Guru
Gurubani-song of the GUru
Gurukirin-radiance of the Guru
Gurunam-identity of the GUru
Gurushabd-song of the Guru
Gurumittar-friend of the GUru
Guruka-belonging to the Guru

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Names Starting With "G"?? (04/15/2002)
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