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Summary of Question:Is Sikhi So Strict?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 10/03/2002 2:42 PM MDT


I have recently become more religious, my friends have influnced me, and I am seeing that there are many battles that are inside ourselves that we must beat, such as lust, anger, jealousy. Now ive tried to overcome these battles within myself, but the problem is, I find Sikhi is very strict, I feel like i may go crazy sometimes, just thinking about Sikhi, I feel like I need a break sometimes, or just give up for one day and go back to just living life as it came to me. I just want to, have fun sometimes, but everyone around me is implying fun is wrong. I really like bhangra music, but it seems even that is wrong, I really like going out to movies, but people around me tell me that is wrong, because in the movie there is lust. I really like going out, and eating people around me are even telling me that eating is something we shouldnt grow attached to, actually its the food we shouldnt grow attached to. I feel like going crazy sometimes.. SO much strictness, and no fun. Why have we put on this earth, to live a strict life? Not to enjoy anything?

Thank you for your help

(REPLY) Sat Nam. It seems to be that rather than "strict" the people around you are fanatic! The life of a Sikh should be joyful, and full of fun, not one that rejects any and all entertainment! After all, God created this creation for His amusement -- so He could experience life through us, his creatures! Just be wise and careful that you don't pollute yourself with movies that "cross the line" (and you know what that line is, I'm sure.) Why shouldn't we enjoy food? It is God's gift to us. Bangra is healthy, good for the circulation! It isn't what we do that matters so much as how "attached" we are to it. In the midst of every action, try to remember that God is the Giver, God is the Doer, and don't do anything that makes you feel that you are lowering your self-esteem in any way. For heavens sake, we are not ascetics! Good luck. Keep balance in your life. Read from Siri Guru Granth Sahib, recite your banis, and then you can really enjoy life, because you will have a clear perspective. Blessings, SP

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