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Summary of Question:I Like This Boy But...
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Sunday, 8/29/2004 8:41 AM MDT

There is this boy at my school that i have a huge crush on, I mean HUGE crush. i might even call it love. In fact it is love. Well I have talked to him alot before when we took a feild trip to Tennesse. We talked all day all 3 days. He seemed to like me. Well a while back i got a girlfriend to ask him if we could go out.This boy in my class found out and kept asking him over and over untill we said no. He told me that was why. The other night we had a football game. He is a water boy so he gets is own jersey. I got all spifed up, I had His # on my face, Devils on the other(schools theme) "Tayor rocks" on my hand, I had on a little pleated skirt.( showed some leg.) I showed him his # on my face and he smiled real big. Then he stared at me all through the game. My friends saw it 2.What i'm tryin' to say is that he acts like he likes me but he says he dosen't?! what do i do to get his attention? PLEASE HELP!

(REPLY) Sat Nam. You've already done PLENTY to get his attention! Is this the whole focus of your life? I'm sorry, but it was my understanding that this discussion forum is for the purpose of addressing concerns about Sikhi! If you are a Sikh girl, then I'm wondering where is your sense of dignity, grace, and self-respect? What have your parents taught you about Sikh women, and the courage and majesty they have displayed throughout our history? I know you're young, and the hormones are raging, but please give some thought to the purpose of life. God lives and breathes in you. You are a divine soul who has incarnated to have a human experience during which you can reunite with your infinite SELF. Please don't waste all your time being moonstruck over some boy, you'll just make a fool of yourself. Read Japji Sahib and try to understand what Guru Nanak taught that was so important, and so valuable that now 22 million Sikhs worldwide follow his teachings (and of course the teachings of his successors.) SP

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I Like This Boy But... (08/29/2004)
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