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Summary of Question:How Can I Believe
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Wednesday, 8/22/2001 3:55 PM MDT

Hi , the qusetion i have is how can i believe in the guru's ! when i was 13 i found out that my mom had cancer so what i did was i use to ask the guru's to take care of my mom but she died so i didn't know what to do so i started to

not believe in the guru's that was about five years ago now i am 17 and i want to know how can i believe in the guru's

thank you


Sat Siri Akaal. Faith is developed. It is a gift and a practice. Some people seem to be born with it, but most of us develop it. You were so young when you asked Guru to heal your Mom. He did, by taking her home. Her karma was to be sick and die from it, but at 12 how could you know that?

I think it's time to try and let that whole experience go. It is a part of your youth, and your growing up process. Let your mother go, too. She will always be your mother in your heart, but she is gone from this plane and so let her go with love.

Then think in terms of starting over. We are all children of the Guru, so it's OK to be a child and ask Guru, as a child would, to guide and protect you always, and to teach you faith. The fact is, we don't always get what we pray for (as we imagine it should be). So our prayers are best said by praying for the other's highest good, for the other's ability to understand and grow from the painful and the pleasurable parts of life both. Or we can pray that the other, for example, specifically get well and be healed, but must also accept that Guru may not agree with our prayers. It can work either way.

Guru has not abandoned you, you have abandoned Guru. You are/were always His. So now all you have to do is believe it and act on it. Pray without attachment to results. Pray because sometimes it's the only thing we can do. Pray to be healed of your own doubts. And along with prayer, practice the Naam. Do it for the peace it brings, and with it will come faith, I assure you.

Guru ang sang,

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