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Summary of Question:Re: Disillusionment
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Monday, 6/13/2005 4:55 PM MDT

Sat Sri Akal,

What you describe is probably not corruption, but standard practice in many U.S. Gurdwaras. Most Granthis, Kirtanis, etc are paid a very modest fixed amount per month. In most cases, unless specically advised, all their other income belongs to them as tips, etc.

Example: You go to the Gurdwara and ask a Giani Ji to perform ardas. The amount you pay him is his service fee, unless you tell him it's for the Gurdwara Sahib.

I know it seems bad that they would want the money for themselves, but they are people just like you and me. They need to make money to provide for their families, like everyone else. Unfortunately they are paid only about $500 per month (includes free room & board). They usually don't have any kind of health insurance if they get sick; and their living conditions are 3rd world.

What Gurdwaras need to do is pay them a decent wage, and in return all the money should go to the Gurdwaras.

Ideally, every Sikh should be able to perform their own Ardas so that we don't have to rely on anyone. The problems in the Gurdwara are the product of own inabilities to live in the Guru's way (perform Ardas, Kirtan, read the Guru Granth Sahib Ji, etc). It will take time, resolve, and Guru's grace to set things right again.

Keep the faith. Trust in Guru Ji!


Thank you for your very reasonable and thoughtful response. In my Gurdwara anyone who is able performs Ardas, takes the Hukum, does kirtan, etc. It is nice to have Ardas and Hukum in Gurmukhi but it is not mandatory. Do it in the language you feel comfortable. As Yogiji use to tell us, God understands all languages. Blessings. GTKK

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