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Summary of Question:Re: Karma And God
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Wednesday, 3/15/2006 11:39 AM MDT

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

It is my understanding that Wahgururu Naam is the cure for everything. By reciting Naam (Waheguru), all our karma are washed away and/or our dukhs become less severe. After reading the sakhi of Bhai Sahib Bhai Randhir Singh Ji in previous question, I became a little puzzled. Bhai Sahib had reached the apex by reciting Naam but yet even he had to pay his karmic debt. My question is, why didn't Naam washed out that Karma. If such a pure soul had to go through paying his karmic debt, then what of little moorakhs like me who are so full of faults and errors in this and previous lives? How will reciting Naam erase karma?
I thank you for your response.

Sat nam. What we know about B.S. Bhai Randhir Singh is from sakhis and what others wrote. I am not disputing those accounts and speaking only with respect. We do not know his inner heart, his prior lifetimes, his debt, his karma, or how much of his suffering was on behalf of others. For all we really know he might have 'deserved' lifetimes of embodiment, but his soul-mind CHOSE to be as perfect a servant of God (in his lifetime as Randhir) that he could be. He meditated and served and suffered, to be an example and to clear his account.

Don't intellectualize this. Don't try to figure out how much you 'owe' from lifetimes or how much another owes from lifetimes. Just practice the naam and serve and practice and serve. The details are between God and soul, and don't concern anyone else outside of that relationship. We do not know how many lifetimes of naam simran might be needed to clear our account. But the Lord is merciful and the Gurus understood this; study it in gurbani. They understood that SINCERITY and good intention of action, thought and deed, along with daily naam simran can erase an account that might otherwise have cost lifetimes more. Trust in Guru that by doing your part, you shall be liberated.
Guru ang sang,

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