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Summary of Question:More Of A Statement
Date Posted:Tuesday, 8/10/2004 9:47 PM MDT

SO I have something running through my mind, more of a comment than a question.

I'm a 26 year old Sikh male now living in New York City.

I have never had Sex, not because I had a problem attracting girls, but more because I felt it was something to share with my future wife...
But now that I have started "searching" for my soulmate I can't find her... I wanted someone like me- not over the top harcore Sikh but at the same time not lost in a Gurudwara.
Someone who would have a mind of her own but who, like me, thought that they should wait to have sex.
Most of Sikh girls I know have already had sex with boyfriends, actually of the sikh girls I know, only two have not had sex yet.

I try soo hard not to judge people, and now I think maybe it was I who was foolish and living in fantasy land. Maybe I should have taken all the offers from girls who wanted to "get to know me better".
I always told myself I would stay a virgin and I would be able to find a virgin to marry... I feel I was wrong, I'll never find her.

My personal opinion is that Sikhs have fallen off big time. I used to look at Sikhs and EXPECT nothing but the best, now I know I was wrong. We can say anything we like, but fact is that Sikh boys are now wanna be thugs with no respect for themselves or our women. And Sikh Girls have fallen even harder... it's almost like they are trying to see how fast they can hit rock bottom, they have no respect for themselves anymore.
Now I'm not stupid, I live in the real world... I've had girlfriends in the past and I understand I can't say I want a girl who has never touched a guy before...
but am I wrong to wonder why all the "Good Looking" Sikh girls feel the need to have sex..
and don't ride me about the "Good Looking" comment, I'm a guy and all guys are looking for "Good Looking".


Sat Sri Akal!

I know exactly what you are going through. All I can say is don't give up. There a few Sikh girls out there that are REAL. Keep looking and ask your parents/relatives/friends to help out to broaden your search. The Guru gave you such high standards, don't lose them.

Gur Fateh,

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