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Summary of Question:Re: Worried About Other Half
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Sunday, 2/20/2005 11:30 AM MST

im very very sorry but i dont fully agree with the moderators comments in response to this question. i think that the person who asked the question & the moderator have viewed this subject from the point of view of a male.

before i begin, i strongly believe that too much flesh is off putting & looks quite cheap & tacky. if the woman in question is covered then its ok - what is wrong in wearing a sleeveless top? if she was in very low cut top & tiny shorts i would understand!!

as to the point of that she doesnt say anything when men look at her. all i have to say is that a big part of being a woman is wanting to look good, we cant help it, its inbuilt!! AND the important thing is that women want to look good for themselves - its boosts our confidence, thats the way in which we feel more confident so let us do it!

look at this situation from the other side, if the woman in question dressed like a tramp 24/7, the man who asked the question would still be complaining! i think that you should be very proud of this woman, accept her the way she is.
(REPLY) Sat Nam. Well, I guess we have a difference of interpretation of words here. What looks "good" to one person, looks cheap and vulgar to somone else. I think the question is whether or not the woman looks graceful. There are two extremes one could think about, one is the appearance of a goddess, the other is that of a prostitute. Where in between these two extremes a woman places herself will dictate how she dresses.
As a Sikh woman do I want to dress to please my Guru? Or to arouse sexy feelings in the men who see me? Yes, we all want to be admired, but there are different levels of admiration! How much respect do I get when I am seen? (And by the way, I'm writing from a woman's perspective!) SP

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