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Summary of Question:Is God A Male?
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Sunday, 4/27/2003 6:17 AM MDT

one thing that has always annoyed me is that i have been taught that God does not have a sex.then why in translations is God referred to as He or Him. i understand that this is what the Christianity world uses but why do we have to follow them?

by referring to God as He or Him the wrong message is being sent out. I think the Sikh society should do a group effort to resolve this problem. firstly sikhnet should change the translations of the hukumnaama so that no He or Him is written, then the rest of the world should be informed. i am simply a citizen with a view however i have no way of changing wat i see as wrong but i believe u have connnections with alot of people. Maybe u could get the Akal Thakat to do something.

i hope i do not sound rude but this annoys me alot. especially when little children read the translation of the Mool Mantar-He is without Fear, He is without Hate.If God does have a sex i am very sorry to babble on. please accept my sincere apologies.

also i wanted to know whether Kakkar meant anything. people say kakkar when they talk about the 5K's, they always say panj kakkar.

also i wanted to know more about the four yugs. people say we are in kaliyug.
wat does this all mean? also i half heard this story of how Guru Nanak Dev Ji summoned the different yugs. Since i was not listening properly to the story i was wondering whether you could tell me that story again.

thanks alot
i hope i haven't asked too many questions.
1.God is referred in the form of "he" because "we" are all the wife of the Infinite One.....or God is our spouse. You have a goood point, yet the male usage has always been the implied superior mode. And therefore the nuetral gender of God is understood. Therefore you can change it in your mind if it really bothers you. The only way I can think to neutralize the "He" is to say "god" instead of "he" or "she".

2. Kakkar is the translation of "Kay" as in the 5 "k's". Punj Kakkar is "5 k's.

3. The Guru says that there are 4 Yugs or ages. Each has a cycle of 26,000 years.
The Sat Yug or Golden Age, when truth flourished and stood on four legs(like a table)
The Treta Yug or Silver Age, when truth flourished and has only 3 legs to stand on.
The Duapur Yug or Bronze Age, when truth has to stand on 2 legs.

Now we are in the Kalyug, the iron age, where truth balances on one leg, unrighteousness prevails and the only way to God consiousness is through recitation of the Naam.

Meditate on these things and may God and Guru allow you to go deeply into your meditative mind to find clarity and Truth.

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Is God A Male? (04/27/2003)
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