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Summary of Question:Re: Indians Make Me Angry
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Saturday, 4/24/2004 6:59 PM MDT

Hello. This is in reply to the girl who hates Indians and Sikhism. Hey, girl, I know how ya feel! Rules, rules, rules--here in America its even harder, growing up around the Western Society, and you see all that cool stuff that people wear and stuff, peer pressure. I TOTALLY see your point of view!

But you should take a minute to consider many things.

-The long hair statement you made, search on SikhNet for the whole explanation
-Punk clothes, sikhism never said not to wear those clothes-hey, they're cool, and In my opinion, it doesnt matter so as long as you follow the rules of Sikhism

As for the pot thing, this has NOTHING to do with Indians or Sikhism: but, dude, are you brainwashed? You want to "live your life", eh. No offense or anything, but I pity you!! You can ask anyone on the street, almost, whomever, that you shouldnt do drugs. You'll have no life to live if you smoke. I'm not going to try to argue with you, because you seem arrogant.

I just hope you come to your senses soon and quit smoking, first of all. Whether or not you are Sikh, smoking is PLAIN wrong. You're basically killing yourself, burning you lunging, yellowing your teeth. There are SO many reasons you shouldn't smoke. I'm no one to conradict you, but I emphathized with you one a couple points, but the rest was just wrong.

Don't discriminate all Indians just becuase of what some people do.

Your parents raised you to be a "good Indian girl" well-it doesnt seem like you are.

I hope you see reason, and its your choice what you do.


Thank you for your contribution to this posting. All wisdom is long as it is helpful and not judgmental. Blessings. GTKK

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