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Q:How does the contact manager system work?
Category:Contacting Members

A:Here's How it Works:

If you are a Free Member:
  • If the person you contacted is also a Free member, then one of you must become a Silver or Platinum member in order to exchange custom messages.
  • If the person you contacted is a Platinum member then you can send a custom email to them as soon as they approve your contact request.
  • If the person you contacted is a Silver member then you can send a custom email to them after they write to you first.

If you are a Silver Member:
  • The person to whom you sent the contact request must approve your request and then you must send them an email from your "My Messages" section before they can communicate freely with you.

If you are a Platinum Member:
  • The person to whom you sent the contact request must approve your request before you can communicate with them freely.

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