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Summary of Question:Preordained Destiny
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Wednesday, 6/20/2001 8:42 PM MDT


Dear Sikhnet Moderators,

i commend you for all the time and effort that you put in to this site. Now, i have a question of my own that i have been wondering about for some time.

In the SGGS it tells Sikh's that their lives have already been set out for them and all events are in the Guru's control. Am I right? that our life is already set in stone?

Well, my question is this, if our lives have been preordained, then how is it that murders occur, suicides are commited, etc. as is banned in our faith.

If the SGGS tells us not to do these things, then why does Waheguru Ji write these events into our life.

This question has been at me for a while now, and an answer along with an explaination would be most beneficial to me. i thank you in advance for your reply.


Dear One:
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh! You have cited the essential paradox of human existence. What Guru tells us is that we can live our karma, or choose to live dharma. Siri Guru tells us over and over that when we practice the Naam in the company of the Sadh Sangat, our account (karma) is wiped clean. When we live according to the teachings of the Guru, we liberate ourselves and our families. (See Japji pauris 4 and 14 for these themes.) This means practicing the four pillars of Sikhi: bani, bana, simran, and seva. Without these things we will live and recreate karmas again and again, repeating the rounds of births and deaths. A good example of this is Nam Dayv, whose bani is in Siri Guru Granth Sahib. I do not remember details but you can look them up in history books or web sites. He was born a lover of God, but turned away and was lured fully by Maya and power. He went completely into it but then realized (I don't recall how) that his destiny was to love and serve God. This he did, and was libera

Those born as murderers and cutthroats have been known to become great healers and saints. It can be done, but the choice we, as humans and Sikhs have, is to decide to do it. Siri Guru really tells us that it is pre-ordained destiny to be Sikh, and to remember the Naam so that our account is wiped clean. So, if you are born a Sikh, then live and practice as a Sikh. Whatever else you are, you are Sikh FIRST. Live this and do this and you shall be liberated, this is Guru's promise to His Gursikhs.

You might find it helpful to study Japji more fully on this matter. You can find a wonderful English translation elsewhere on sikhnet Web site (start by clicking on Siri Guru Granth from homepage). I hope this helps.

Guru rakha,

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