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Summary of Question:Re: Food
Date Posted:Saturday, 5/13/2000 9:42 PM MDT
Well, the reply of the original question (food)is seems to be incorrect. If a person eat any kind of non-vegetarian food like muffin containing egg, he/she break the amrit either direct or indirect. I believe that true sikhs are always careful about these veg/non veg stuff.

Ricky Singh


Dear Ricky Singh:

Sat Siri Akaal. Yes and no. Breaking amrit is first and foremost about intentionally or knowingly doing so. No matter how careful we may be in regards to food, we could be put in a position where we have no way of knowing about the egg in the muffin, or no way of gracefully getting out of eating a muffin made with egg. The latter situation in particular can happen when the food is offered to one as a guest. The Amritdhari Sikh is then faced with finding a graceful way to say no (and risk offending the host/hostess) or taking the muffin. If the Sikh takes a bit of muffin then does he need to go before a Panj and say he broke his amrit while trying to honor his host/ess because he ate the muffin? While this line of argument could be taken to extremes, I think we are talking about the degree of offense, and the circumstances leading up to it, in which the Amritdhari Sikh may need to make a considered judgement call.

God bless you!

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Re: Food (05/13/2000)
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