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Summary of Question:Kesh: Need Help, Want To Grow Hair Back
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Monday, 5/13/2002 5:44 PM MDT

I would very much appreciate the advice of the forum. i am 18 years old and in the final year of high skool. im gonna go to university in september so i have a very long holiday.

ive wanted to do this for a long time, and now i think i am ready. i want to grow my kesh back. i do not wish to take amrit yet, because that is a very important decision and commitment, one which i belive i am not ready to handle yet. growing my kesh i feel will be a the first step in a transition which i would like to now make, in which i would like to eventually reach amrit.

but i am worried not about what i will look like because now i want to take steps towards lookin as guru intended for us in his image.

but i am worried about how maintenace of the kesh. i need advice on how to tie a phag etc. and how long it takes to make a phag. i have friends who have ben very supportive and told me they will help.

all i request is any additional advice the forum can offer.

sendeep singh lehal
Dear one. Why to worry? God made you in His/Her own image. Now you are recognising your connection with your Creator and choosing to maintain your kesh. This is wonderful. Good for you! God has given this to you and now you are choosing not to remove this gift. GREAT.

As far as care for the hair. Wash it every 3+ days. Comb it out at least in the morning and before retiring at night. Combing your hair when you need a lift will recharge you.

Your friends can work with you on the different ways of tying your turban. There are double patti turbans, and single, and damalla and many other techniques of tying. Look at the ones you see in your community and ask for help when you see one you like. People love to help and share their turban advice. You will find the one that suits you and feels comfortable for your head.
Explore and expand. God and Guru Gobind Singh are with you.


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Kesh: Need Help, Want To Grow Hair Back (05/13/2002)
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