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Summary of Question:How To Keep My Soul And My Marriage Together
Category:Love & Marriage
Date Posted:Friday, 1/10/2003 11:57 AM MST

I have been a very spiritual person with a unflinching belief in Waheguru.I have doing simran and path since I was child and always found solace in Whaeguru's sharan.But I was deeply hurt when I realised my husband has been physically and emotionally involved with another woman from very first day of our marriage.My husband is emotionally and verbally abusive to me because of her influence.Inspite of being a sikh he wears a ohm she has given around his neck .Its not about the ohm but about the control she has on him.

My question is inspite if being an ethical and spiritual person why have to bear all this pain and humiliation.I have never hurt anybody or done any wrong.why am i being punished?I don't doubt Waheguru's doings......but I look for a way to make peace with my pain.I can't divorce my husband because that would be running from pain and pain is everywhere. Please guide me how to stay in this marriage with dignity and have a peace of mind and soul.

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Sat Nam! You are not being punished. It is just the karma. Karma must be paid. It is a very neutral thing. Your pain is is a message. The message is that your pain cannot be healed by any person or any thing. It does not matter what your husband is doing. It matters what you are doing. Focus your attention on the Guru. Begin Sukhmani paath. Do full Sukhmani every day. Listen to it. Understand it. Your first relationship is your relationship to your own soul and to God. Your relationship with your husband comes second. Be calm, pure and keep your heart open. Let the heat of your anger and resentment give you the energy to create a transformation within yourself. Take your troubles and lay them at Guru Ji's feet. Let go of them and let him take care of the situation. Only Guru Ji can heal the pain.

Keep up.

May Guru Ji's unlimited blessings be with you.


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