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Summary of Question:I Feel Odd In School
Date Posted:Sunday, 11/17/2002 2:24 PM MST

WJK WJF I go to a secondary school and i am the only black person in the whole school and i am the only sikh in the WHOLE of the school and i feel really awkard i like my white mates but i like hanging with my indian mates more cos we can talk bout more and sikhi but with my white mates i feel awkard cos sometimes they call me blacky and paki but they think i take it as a joke but i said it is not funny i am proud of my coulour and my religion. the thing is if i call them somthing back i would have the whole school on me cos they would all offended! i feel awkard now around my mates i dont no wot to do.

wjk wjf

(REPLY) Sat Nam. It's not easy being the "Only" one in a group of adolescents. You have to really rely on God and Guru to see you through, and although you may FEEL awkward, you need to show that you really ARE proud of your religion, by just laughing off their teasing. Kids can be very cruel, but remember, it's not the life that matters, it's the courage that you bring to it. And also remember Guru wanted us to stand out and be very visible. What should you do? Be such a great person, so kind, so smart, so good natured that people (even the stupid ones who tease) must respect you. Stop feeling awkward, and instead proudly wear the color that God gave your skin (someone used to say that whites were "under-cooked" - whereas you're "well done"!) and proudly feel and enjoy that you have been blessed to have Guru Gobind Singh as your father! I wish you well. teenage years are the hardest of all, I think -- but they will not last forever! Be great, and feel greatful for the breath of life that God has given you. Blessings, SP

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