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Summary of Question:Staying Focussed On Taking The Right Path
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Friday, 11/16/2001 8:50 PM MST


I've read and heard several times, that most people only come to the Guru when they're going through pain and suffering, because they feel they have no where else to turn. However when everything in their life is going well, and they are "happy", they don't think of the Guru at all.

After going through a lot and experiencing a whole opposite way of life (compared to sikhi), I learnt through the hard way that this "happiness" is false.... I've learnt that being attached to people and things only brings you temporary happiness, but in the end you're left with no where to turn.

EVEN THOUGH ive realized this, I'm still such a manmukh that I can't stay focussed and can't give enough importance everyday to God. Usually I get caught up in other things, such as friends, events, gossip, guys, and myself... Even though I already know these things don't bring you happiness at all, I always run back to them and when maya grabs me it's so hard for me to get out of its grasp and I know I probably have insecurities, and maybe that's why.. But I really don't know how I can follow through and regularly start doing paat.

I can't even control my anger at times, and get upset over things that don't even make sense. Obviously I'm a darpokh because I get afraid of the littlest things, but I ACTUALLY REMEMBER that when I used to do paat, I for some reason overlooked small things and didn't really get scared or upset by other people.

& half of me wants to change and go down the right path...
But the other half of me is still caught in my past and can't let go of it. I've been so attached and I wanna break loose, I wanna help people & I wanna get closer to God..

But every single time, something comes in my way and I get caught up in that, forgetting about the Guru. Please dear bhaji or bhainjee help me if you can, I'm a total manmukh/darpokh - no where near a Singhnee.

-God Bless



Sat Sri Akal,

The very fact that you think you are a manmukh means that you are not. That means that you understand that you can do better than you are doing right now, and you yourself say that when you do paath you feel better and less scared. You know the strength of Waheguru, so now you must convince yourself to use it.

Having friends is not a bad thing. However, you must realize that friends are not Waheguru. The time you spend with friends talking about guys or gossiping could be used to help out other people or even your own family. Not only is helping others a duty of every Sikh, it makes you feel better.

You know the path, now it is up to you to use it. You don't suddenly have to start doing 5 hours of paath everyday, but start gradually. Maybe at night you can start doing Kirtan Sohela (it takes about 5 minutes). After a while you can start doing Japji Sahib in the morning before school (this only takes about 10-15 minutes).

Let me tell you a little bit about some of the Sikhs from the Gurus times. Many of these Sikhs were unpurhs, they couldn't read or write and thus couldn't do bani. But they something which a lot of Sikhs don't have today, full faith in Waheguru. They believed that Waheguru would protect them at any cost and that's all they needed. Armed with just that, they fought the Mogul Empire outnumbered 100 to 1 and won. Many people these days say they have faith in Waheguru, but how many of these people will go against 100 people to protect their beliefs?

All I am saying is that the most important thing you can do is have full faith in Waheguru. It doesn't come overnight, but eventually you can come to a point where you know that everything will go well because Waheguru will be with you all the time, guiding you.

You have already learned that "being attached to people and things only brings you temporary happiness, but in the end you're left with no where to turn". It takes most people an entire lifetime to learn that and still they don't understand. You know this truth, so now you know what to do. It is up to you. Attach yourself to Waheguru and you will be so happy that I can't even describe it.

I admire you for your strong positive attitude and I know you will do well. Please write back in a while to let us know how you are doing.

Gur Fateh,

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