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Summary of Question:?
Date Posted:Friday, 1/09/2004 6:50 AM MST

i dont know how 2 develop my relationship with ny soul or the guru. i was an amritdhari 4 three yrs but broke it last yr.i tried so hard 2 do path id wake up every mornin n do my path but i never understand this search ur soul or b happy inside stuff i dont know how 2 do it. so u tell me how do u develop a relation with ur soul n the guru. wot if ur souls dead b the guru doesnt wan2 know u?


Our souls are infinite; the Guru is Infinite. Our egos are finite and can limit our infinity. Perhaps you need to examine your ego and why it is blocking your relationship with your soul. The Guru is neutral and always available. We just need to allow the infinite in us to merge with the ultimate Infinity. Be sincere in your quest. You can do it. GTKK

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