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Summary of Question:Kechera
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Saturday, 11/08/2003 2:13 PM MST

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

I took Amrit 2 years back but I've only been seriosuly 'attached' to my amrit for the last 6 months. i used to wake up late n then read my path, and i used feel that if i read my path in the morning then i wont have to do anything 'good' for the rest of the day but now i feel whenever i read my path, its like i'm connecting to the millions of my brothers out there who knows what its like to live the life of the Guru himself. I also realise that waking up at amrit wela really makes a difference. its not just a case of 'cos the guru told us to do' but because everytime you wake up at amrit wela, you feel lonely, alone and in peace. so just like a mother who wakes up early to pray for her children, we are praying for the rest of humankind. its like we are sacrificing a good sleep for other people. at least thats how i feel. and that really feels good. i also dont eat meat nor fish, although i eat eggs now n then but i'm trying to stop that.

i feel really good these days because although i'm not that smart or good looking or with a body of an athlete but atleast n most importantly, i'm being the sikh that my Guru wants me to be. but i have a problem. this sounds stupid if compared to the wider picture of life and sikhi. i always wear all of my kakars except kechera. i dont even take off my kirpan when i sleep, but i seriously feel uncomfortable when i wear a kechera. for now i only wear like a boxer shorts without any nalla. if i ask you whether its okay to just wear a boxer then i'll be lying to myself. my question is how can i 'modify' my kechera so that it can be more comfortable. the problem is i'm a bit fat so wearing a nalla really hurts my stomach. maybe my problem is because i havent found any kechera that suits me. i've tried kecheras that i bought from m'sia and india but still havent found the right one. please help me. i feel like i'm living in a lie. i've read lots of comments in this website and i'm sure probably you'll tell me not to be hard on myself but i just cant lie to my Guru.

i just wanna say to all of my brothers out there, dont ever question your Guru. we are really nothing. we are the just the dust of the feet of the people who really lived their lifes for the Guru. Bhai Lenna never questioned the Guru. Bhai Jetha never questioned the Guru. you have to see the wider picture. there are people dying out there, there are people who cant afford to buy medicine, there are people who have not eaten anything for 3 days. i dont mean to offend anybody but you have to look at the condition of life in india or other poor countries. when you look at those sikhs who have nothing in life except the love for the Guru, they never sacrifice their hair or their belief so that they can find a better job or find a cute girl. people are starving without food and we complain that we have allergies, we waste food n we eat chicken cos it tastes better than sabji. you've got to remember your 'real' mission in life. Spread the Love!

why do you multiply you 'wants' and feel like a beggar. why not reduce your 'wants' and live like a King. we always compare ourselves to people who are more fortunate than us in material world but how come we never compare ourselves to people who are more spritual than us. you have to realise that Baba Deep Singh Ji or Bhai Mati Das Ji or Bhai Taru Singh Ji didnt read different banis than we do. they read the same bani that we read today. but why did they have power? cos they never even for 1 second had doubts in Guruji. i think Sikhi is all about role model. who is your role model? beckham or The Kings of All Kings! i maybe only a low life human, but i know what my Guru is capable of doing. 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder', if your Guru thinks your perfect and beautiful then why do you worry.

forgive me if i've offended anybody. and sorry for the long post...... just sharing my feelings.......

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

"He dwells in a broken-down shack, in tattered clothes,
with no social status, no honor and no respect; he wanders in the wilderness,
with no friend or lover, without wealth, beauty, relatives or relations.
Even so, he is the king of the whole world, if his mind is imbued with the Lord's Name. With the dust of his feet, men are redeemed, because God is very pleased with him. ||7||"
(707-12, Jetsri, Mehla 5)

<<<<< REPLY >>>>>

Wahe Guru Ji ka Khalsa
Wahe Guru Ji ki Fateh!

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings. Your devotion has touched my heart.

I love wearing my kachera and wear them all the time. Here is my solution to the problem you describe. I removed the nalla from all my kachera and replaced them with 2 Cm. wide cloth covered elastic I got from a sewing supply store. Now all my kachera are very comfortable.


--REPLY 2 --

I don't like the knot in the nalla either. I use elastic instead. Cut some waist elastic the length that would be comfortable to your waist, overlay the two ends and stitch with a machine or by hand. Its very comfortable and easy to get on and off for bathroom purposes.

Try it and let us know. GTKK

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