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Summary of Question:Truth
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Sunday, 2/08/2004 8:39 PM MST

hi i jus wanted to say htis. is more of a staement then a question but plz feel free to reply. i cut my hair, i eat meat, i date, i liek paties, i enjoy going to clubs BUT i leive in god, i worship everything about him, i wish to be in his kingdom the next time around. but despite the fact dat i pray n i BELIEVE i dont kno weither or not im a "good" sikh. n d afact dat i do all dese things dat maybe ocndiered worng in somone yes does dat amke me less of a good person n less of a sikh den the next person?

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Well, first of all, the real question is, what do you look like in the eyes of the Guru? and what do you look like to yourself ? If you felt that you were a "good" Sikh, you would not be wondering, and you would not have written this message. When you cut your hair, your are telling God that you don't value His gift of hair. Depends upon what you do when you go to parties. There's nothing wrong with having a good time, depending upon what that involves! When you say, "the next time around" are you purposely setting yourself up be reborn again? Hasn't anyone ever told you that the greatest happiness, joy, and fulfillment (and the actual purpose of life)comes when a person can merge with God at the time of Death so that they don't have to come back and go through the whole cycle of birth and death again? Finally, and again, the only person you should compare yourself with is the BEST person that you could possibly be, and if you're not living up to that highest standard, then you're not going to feel good about yourself. Read the section on the SikhNet website that tells about the code of conduct. Blessings, SP

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