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Summary of Question:My Friend Wants To Take Amrit
Date Posted:Monday, 3/25/2002 12:06 AM MDT


first of all, this forum is really awesome. u are really doing a seva to the sikh community. anyways, i have a question about my friend. i am 14 yrs old, and so is she. i am amritdhari, but she isnt. she was thinking of taking amrit a few months ago, but decided she wasnt ready. she told me that she will take it at Vaisakhi. now that Vaisakhi is nearly here, i asked her and she didnt really give a proper answer, as if she still wasnt ready. i would like to encourage her, but i really dont know what to say....could u help me out here?

also, another question: i have been wondering for a long time now, what exactly happens when u die? like the first few seconds after? i heard u have to do sukhmani sahib? is this true? and also, when we all die and go up "there" and the people that have done what they needed to do in life, do they actually get to meet God? do they have converations? what languages do they speak? and do u get to see all the other people who have obtained salvation?? i would really love to meet the Gurus and also sant jarnail singh ji.
thanks so much,
gurjeet kaur


Wahe Guru Ji ka Khalsa
Wahe Guru Ji ki Fateh!

Gurjeet Kaur Ji - I understand that you want your friend to experience the bliss of Guru's amrit parchar, but she may feel that she is not ready to live up to that commitment. The decision is a very personal one, and it is between her and her Guru. The best you can do is to just love her unconditionally and let her know that you love her no matter what decision she makes. Your own joy in living the Guru's rehit will inspire her naturally.

When you die, your soul leaves your physical body and your awareness is maintained. You get to see your life through the heart of everyone you have touched during your life. Simply call on Wahe Guru. You can also recite the final lines of the Shabd: 'Guru Ram Das Rakho Sarnaee' - Nanak too(n), Lehna too(n) hey, Guru Amar too(n) veechaaria, Gur ditta ta maan sadharia. The shabd will carry you through the sound current of the earth safely. At that time, you must simply let go of all attachments to people, places or things, and go towards the clear, bright light.

When we are outside our physical body we do not communicate in any particular language. We communicate heart to heart and have complete and deep understanding, beyond words. There is no 'up there'. It feels like 'up' because the etheric levels are less dense than the earthy level of matter. You can experience this lightness even before you die, by Guru's grace, you can experience places (lokhs, khands) outside of your physical body through the power of your meditation. But, of course, you must return again to your physical body. The only thing that is different when you die, is that you must let go of the physical plane completely and merge into the light.

May Guru Ji ever bless you as a sister of the Khalsa and may your destiny be fulfilled with love, grace and courage.


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