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Summary of Question:Death
Date Posted:Saturday, 6/22/2002 2:06 PM MDT

satsri akal.

i live in a white area and feel that i have been locked up. i cant go anywhere with my friends and the only time when i feel i have freedom is when im at school. im doing my exams and cant revise as i have to do housework an cant stay behind at school as im not allowed. i am depressed an self harm has been an option for me! i hate my life and want to end it now. please help me find an answer.
(REPLY) You are obviously in a lot of pain, and I would like to help you. You need to speak with a counselor in your school as soon as possible! Don't wait! You need to discuss your feelings and your home situation with someone who can deal directly with you. I don't know what country/city you are in, nor how old you are. Have you told your parents how you feel? It is really important for you to get professional help -- because your state of depression needs care. Meanwhile , just know that whatever situation you are in "this too shall pass away." Things do change, and you won't be "trapped" forever! Try to see the light at the end of the tunnel , pray for guidance, and find someone you can trust to speak with you in person, NOW! May God and Guru bless you. SP

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