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Summary of Question:Its Being Long Time---Pls Do Reply This Time
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 9/27/2007 7:53 AM MDT

dear khalsa ji,

i humbly request u to solve ma 4 doubts through this post
'PLEASE reply ' as its being long i am confronting with these problems.

1.gaaal(in punjabi---to rebuke-i hope i am clear)

1.Is it wise enough to rebuke some one---i feel in some circumstances their use makes your view-point strong.

2.searching on the sikhnet ,i have realized that curbing your life & sentiments for a girl is just a waste of time.
On the one hand ,ideally, one shud not focus on girls and on the other hand,we know that one day we ought to marry .
I think the 2 methodologies can't fit in the same brain 'coz if one knows that one day one has to marry then its quite obvious that the eyes will start focussing on girls & the mind will automatically access them in that relation.
Can u please parallel both the controversies-- ???

3.May i ask u the significance of yoga with 'puja' (in context to special breathing techniques & saying waheguru at particular breadth & for particular times)
--i mean how can yoga & meditation go hand in hand
---atleast not in gurmat(or what i think---& i have never practised such things personally)
--i wonder if guru sahib ji has ever emphasised on doing yoga with meditaion.RAther gurbani clearly refute such practises.
---what u think???

4. can u please tell me how mandatory guru sahib has made his Sikh to marry.By not marrying i feel like devoting myself to loneliness,the gurbani,the selfless service & upliftment of the 'self' in spirits & knowledge.But does gurbani allows for the same??How strictly?

(please do reply sir---please--these are ma personal quieries disturbing me past few years!)

Anticipating a quick reply

Bhul chuk di khimaa---

My dear,

Doubt is a pitfall. Reciting Gurbani in meditation, as a yoga, or union, deeply with full attention can remove doubt. When you have no doubt you will see the problems in your life clearly with solutions.

Patience, deep wisdom and understanding come from practicing the Yoga of life and breath and chanting Nam. Do this. Read from the Guru and learn what Guru says about truth and passions.

Marriage is the way of a Sikh. To live in the world and still above the passions and doubts and emotions of the world.

Living as most people do in this world has little consciousness about it. Guru gave us a lifestyle to practice.

To answer your questions:

1:speak with kindness and compassion and with truth... not sure what you mean by 'rebuke someone'.

2. Dating and premarital sex are not part of our lifestyle nor is being obsesssed with girls. Training your mind is the practice of Gurbani. It all fits very nicely.

3. SGGS is Yoga. Guru's all practiced and taught breath meditations and Yoga.
Gurbani is Yoga and breath meditation.

4. Marriage is very important in Sikhee. Living in the world and teaching values and Sikhee to you children is a very important devotion.Maintaining your grace and mastery in a material world is very masterful. Try it. All our Gurus' married and had children that were old enough in their lifetime.

In the future please compose your questions in complete words and complete sentences. That will make it possible for response to be given more quickly.

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