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Summary of Question:Shabd Hazaray?
Date Posted:Sunday, 5/07/2006 1:51 PM MDT

Dear Sikhnet pple

I wanted to know how do u guys know that shabid hazaare is equal to 1000 shabids is that written in the GURU GRANTH SAHIBJI

does SHABID HAZAARE have any other energys to it besides bring union of loved ones

the reason i ask is because i really like reciting SHABID HAZAARE and i wanted to know if it could help you in other means like getting close to the lord, wealth, education and job searchs

well thank u over and over again u guys always come threw for me im still learning the breath technique the are tuff tough


Sat nam. Shabd Hazaray is in the SGGS. It also is in Nitnaym usuall right Japji Sahib. The entire bani is comprised of several shabds that are in different places in SGGS. It is, as you indicated, the prayer of 1000 prayers. So be careful what you pray for! Guru ang sang,

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Shabd Hazaray? (05/07/2006)
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