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Summary of Question:Sikh Holyday Effort
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Friday, 10/08/2004 6:49 PM MDT

I need help.I want to create a holiday in december called khalsa week.This will be a week where sikhs uplift their faith for the new year.We can have paths and

there is a theme for every day.I think this holiday will help families grow togather in sikhi and strenthen our community.Last year we (our family) did this .I would like the community to do this this year. how do i get them to?where do i go.Is it a good idea.we used to celebrate x mas but now we dont.We have a theme for every day
every day -god
1day - guru nanak ' arjan dev ji
1day-guru hargobind-sggs ji
1 day-bravery of sheedaia(this is on the shaibzadas gurparab)
1 day-Khalsa panth
1 Day- identity?good deeds(donate to charity ect..)
1 day-how we can be better sikhs goal for next year,celebration

Just for fun (no ritual ,meaning ect.. whatsoever)we decorated a tree with tinsel,non christian ornaments,khandas ik onkars ect...we gave each other gifts and had a dinner but these are optional the immportant thing is praying everyday and reading daily sakhis as a family.I think it would be a good idea if this happened.please help make it happen.I know we can do these every day but it would be nice if we did it as a community and got in khalsa spirit.god bless us all .

sat sri akal

Sat Siri Akaal. This is a great idea. I suggest you start local and see if the effort doesn't grow. Find some others in your gurdwara community to engage in this effort. Make it a community effort and from there inspire others to do the same. You can't MAKE other people do this, so find people who are sincerely interested in it as an effort, whether they are young or old. Good luck. God bless you,

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