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Summary of Question:Worry And Anxiety Without Knowing Why
Date Posted:Tuesday, 8/17/2004 7:00 AM MDT


For the past week, I have had this sick feeling in th epit of my stomach...I have been incredibly worried, and have this sort of..."ghabrahat" first reaction was to pray and listen to kirtan. Usually this helps calm me down, but this time, it has not. The thing is, I am not even sure what I am worried about, but it just feels as though something really bad is about to happen. Usually I am an incredibly happy person, but these days...I can barely eat, and the stress is upsetting my stomach too. I just cannot seem to shake this feeling.

Questions: does anyone know why this is happening to me? Is there a specific path one can do to help with this?

Many thanks!

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Sorry you are feeling so upset. There could be many reasons. The important this is how to deal with it, and not let it overpower your naturally happy disposition. Joy is the normal condition of the soul. When we are upset, it is because we are relating to our minds and our emotions, and are not in touch with our soul. Be sure to read your banis every day, and make a special effort to read an extra full Anand Sahib. This is the "Song of Bliss" Also, throughout the day, remember with every breath (as best you can) that God is with you! Repeat mentally and/or out loud: ANG SANG WAHE GURU often, as many times as you wish, to remind yourself of your true identity. Find things to do to help other people, so that you take your mind off your own emotional condition. Find things to read that make you laugh! (Or watch comedy videos or DVD's ) Yes, laughter is healthy! Be sure you are eating healthy food, and getting enough sleep. May God bless you and Guru guide you. SP

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