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Summary of Question:Is It "Daa" Or "Kaa" ?
Date Posted:Thursday, 6/09/2005 11:31 AM MDT

can u plz clarify whether it's

waheguru jee daa khalsa
waheguru jee dee fateh


waheguru jee ka khalsa
waheguru jee kee fateh

we have always been using daa but recently some ppl on a site objected to it.they stress that we use "kaa".is it necessary or just change in the lingo of different regions. plz clarify


I am not a Gurmukhi expert, but I have always seen and said it Ka and Kee. I don't know about different regions. Yogi Bhajan and his wife, Bigiji taught us Ka and Kee. I always trusted their teachings. Blessings. Guru Terath Kaur

sat sri akal

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Is It "Daa" Or "Kaa" ? (06/09/2005)
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