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Summary of Question:Satnaam/Waheguru And The Rehat
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Tuesday, 2/18/2003 11:06 AM MST



I have 2 questions Khalsa ji

(1) I try to meditate on "WAHEGURU", and have seen mostly on this forum that u suggest to meditate on "SATNAAM". Please explain the difference. Also please do suggest a simple and effective meditation technique/method.

(2) I just came across one facet in the Rehat Maryada

The following individuals shall be liable to chastisement involving automatic boycott:

(1) Anyone maintaining relations or communion with elements antagonistic to the Panth including the minas (reprobates), the masands (agents once accredited to local Sikh communities as Guru’s representatives, sine discredited for their faults and aberrations), followers of Dhirmal or Ram Rai, et. al.,

Please explain this as Sikhs are not supposed to hate anyone.


~ Rochak :)


Sat Sri Akal!

These are two good questions, especially the second one.

(1) Meditation should be done on Naam. You can meditate to Waheguru, Satnam, or even Om if you want to. The "classic" Sikh mantra is Waheguru, but a lot of Western Sikh use Satnam for some reason. I personally suggest using Waheguru as that is the more "old school" method. However, it does not matter. When meditating on Waheguru, it is important to have the proper breathing technique. As you are inhaling, say "Wahe" and as you exhale, say "Guru". This will require some practice and eventually you will get the hang of it. Don't worry if it sounds weird or you can't do it at first, that's normal. If you do it a few times then you'll become a master at it.

(2) I personally don't have much confidence in the so-called "rehat maryada". Remember, the biggest Rehat is Sri Guru Granth Sahib and Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj. Do what the Gurus tell you to do, not what some group of people wrote in the early 1900s. I'll repeat again, the biggest rehat to follow and understand is the Sri Guru Granth Sahib and Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj. The Gurus preach equality ("manas ki jaat, sabhe eke pehchan").

But why is that in the rehat? Think of it logically, if someone is against the Sikh faith and speaks out against it, and you are a real Sikh, why would you want to associate yourself with such a person? Obviously, you would not, and I think this is what the "rehat" is trying to express here.

I hope this helps.

Gur Fateh,

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