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Summary of Question:Muslim Friendship
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Wednesday, 5/21/2003 10:45 AM MDT


I luv this website. you've helped me tons of times before and i would lyk ur help today.
QUESTION: my Dad's reall strict and i know he's just trying to protect me. My mum worries about me less therefor is not strict. when i told them i was best frendz with a muslim they freaked- i don't know why i asked but they didnt reply. My dad wasn't that upset for he has many muslim dhosts but my mum hated it. Why does she not allow me?want me to have a muslim best frend. she still is my best friend


Fear and ignorance breed prejudice. Open-minded adults and young people have to change these prejudices...if we are ever going to have peace in this world. Do what you know is right, from within. gtkk

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Muslim Friendship (05/21/2003)
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