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Summary of Question:Attchment To Money
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Thursday, 6/24/2004 10:45 AM MDT

dear sir/madam ,no matter how hard i try i cannot leave the attachment to money. i am really loosing my sleep over giving money to relatives ,why do they ask us for money ? i really get stressed out and fight with my husband over it. i have this feeling in mind that this money is our as we earned it so why give to other. please tell me am i wrong .

.reply soon

(REPLY) Sat Nam. There's no way to answer your question without knowing the circumstances. Sometimes those who have earned a lot can afford to give to those in need. In fact, that is one of the things that Guru Nanak taught. "Earn righteously and share what you have with those who are less fortunate." On the other hand, if you and your husband are being exploited and taken advantage of, that is another thing. Do you have enough money for your own needs? Is giving the money causing a hardship? Giving in the Name of God is a virtue. What does your husband say about it? Maybe the relatives are just greedy, and maybe not. Remember, God is the ONLY Giver. When we give, we become Godlike. Pray for wisdom and guidance. SP

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