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Summary of Question:Sikhs Marrying Hindus
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Friday, 5/31/2002 4:58 PM MDT

I want to marry a hindu boy that is brahmin. My parents completely object saying that it is not possible something about Pandits hating sikhs, etc. I don't know what they are referring to and the Gurus object to it. I do not understand why it has to be so complicated aren't all humans no matter what caste creed, etc. to be treated equally. Please inform me on where I can find more information on Brahmins and Sikhs. One more thing can't I just remain a Sikh and marry a Brahmin why does everyone make a big deal.

Please Answer Back I need help!!!


Sat Siri Akal, dear.

Marriage is the carriage that will take you to Infinity. What matters most is the spiritual relationship between you and your husband. Marriage is no easy task-the Guru gave us marriage as a way to spritually grow in life. Even with people of the same religion this can be difficult. With people of different religions, it can be even more difficult.

God is in every person and all people are equal in His eyes. If you and your husband-to-be can respect each other's faith, agree ahead of time about how to raise the children, and decide on how to deal with the prejudice you will face from both sides-then you have a chance to make it a success.

What you will face from your parents and from his family is tension because of political reasons. These tensions are very real and you need to be prepared to meet them with grace, neutrality and compassion. Go deep into the meaning of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib and come into your true spiritual identity. Then your path will be clear and the Maya of society will not have the power to confuse you.

Good luck and God bless.


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