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Summary of Question:Karma And A Loving God
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Tuesday, 3/07/2006 9:38 PM MST

Satshriakal !

The question that I have is not unique or unheard of. Many of us have raised this question before several times. Yet, whenever i think about it, my faith in God only diminishes more and more. The problem is not me. The problem is the question and I have searched and searched but failed to find a satisfying answer anywhere, in any religion. My question is ..If God is so loving, caring, affectionate, giving, trustworthy THEN why do innocent people suffer ? Why do innocent people die, get raped, get diseased an perish at an early age. I really doubt if it is ONLY because of karma ! I am sure there is something else to it. Something more logical and specific. Something that makes sense and we all can understand. I dont know if you have an answer to that or not ? But the nevertheless i wanted to ask. For they say " Ask and you shall find "

Amrita Bahadur

Sat nam. Karma is the answer. From a Sikh perspective, there is no other answer. Whether it's the reaction to an action made 5 minutes or 5 lifetimes ago, "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." It is a universal law, a physical law. The account of good and bad actions is kept for every soul, that reincarnates into a human form to learn and grow. Karma and repeated bad karma is, in part, an indication that the soul-human is not learning the lesson of how s/he creates good and bad in his/her life. When the karma is cleared and when the lesson is learned, the soul-human moves on to the next level. I have heard of this planet as 'schoolhouse earth'.
You can test it yourself by deciding and then projecting how you want to live, and then acting in accordance with how you want to live, and see what kind of things happen to you.
Guru ang sang,

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