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Summary of Question:Reading Sgss
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Friday, 10/03/2003 8:08 AM MDT

Sat Sri Akal to all...

I was just reading thru the Q/A forum and came across this question -- Can A Sahajdhari Sikh Read The Guru Granth Sahib? -- I am an amritdhari sikh and have been blessed with great parents who have taught us so much about the religion. About the question, this is what I believe --

Reading SGSS: You should just know how to read and Understand gurmukhi. You can start with reading and understanding japji sahib, jaap sahib or the whole nitnem from the pothi sahibs...

Taking a hukanama: You should just know how to read and Understand gurmukhi. And also, I believe you have to get 'charni'-- take SGSS blessings, just like you get 'dastar bandi.'

I don't think being a sehajdhari or aamrtidhari has anything to do with it...

Comments/ suggestions???

Waheguru ji ka khalsa

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Our Shabd Guru is a universal Guru, with wisdom and guidance for all people. Through the grace of God and Guru, there are translations of Siri Guru Granth Sahib in English, and so people who don't yet know how to read Gurumukhi can still benefit from Guru's words. Anyone has the right to read from the Guru. Of course we would expect they would approach the Guru with reverence. Ultimately many people in the West who started by reading in Akhand Paths in Enlish, have learned Gurmukhi, and now can read and take hukams in Gurmukhi. SP
Waheguru ji ki Fateh

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