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Summary of Question:Part During Labour
Date Posted:Tuesday, 5/06/2003 3:58 AM MDT


I am six months pregnant with my first child, and was wondering if there is any part I can do during labour to help with the pain?
I listen to Sukmani Sahib and do part every day, your advice will be greatly appriciated

Kindest regards


Those things are very good, but you need to be doing other physical things as well. It is very important to eat a high protein, low fat,salt and sugar diet. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink lots of fresh pure water. And, it is very, very important to walk - 3-5 miles a day. Invest in a good pair of supportive, tie shoes, like running shoes. They will support your back, feet and legs during your pregnancy and daily walks. Think positive thoughts and no negativity between you and your husband or any one else in your family or friends. Project lots of love to your baby. If you do these things, you will have a better chance of easily delivering a healthy baby. GTKK

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Part During Labour (05/06/2003)
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