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Summary of Question:Re: Suicide
Date Posted:Wednesday, 6/15/2005 6:24 PM MDT

Dear Fellow Sikh,

I just read your posting today and was deeply hurt by your pain and that you want to commit suicide. I dont know why you want to take such a step but i can understand the pain. i dont know how old you are but I went through the same when i was 17 and then 24. Sometimes we think circumstances are much worse than they really are. when we are young we are immature even though we think we know it all. we tend to over react and the whole world seems a really bad place. i go through this feeling every day when i hear about rape and murder victims on the news. I did try to kill myself but by God's grace nothing happened, if i had done that i would have disappointed God so much.

God gave us life and i know with this life comes a lot of saddness but happiness too. and with that God gives us the WILL POWER and courage to fight. When we lose the courage and will to fight we resort to a way out and thats suicide. i know when i was sad and at your stage i felt so isolated, that no one loved me and that my parents would get over my death and my friends would just move on. But thats not reality. Your parents have given you birth and their hearts would be broken. Just imagine if your close family member died and now imagine seeing their body in the room, you would want to die yourself. Dont be a coward, be a brave Sikh. Nothing in life is impossible. Girls get raped and they still come out of it stronger and fight and fight and LIVE.

My mum tried to kill herself and we were in shock and felt so betrayed. If you share your pain it will be halved, ask someone for advice. Remember nothing in this world is impossible, if some thing or some people have hurt you DONT let them have power over you. DONT let the sadness and negativity in this world defeat you. DONT. PUT YOUR FOOT DOWN. TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE AND DO WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO TO GET OUT OF THIS DEPRESSION. BUT DONT LET THE WORLD DEFEAT YOU.

Everyday thousands of people feel what you feel, imagine the people in the Iran-Irag war, the jews during the holocaust. imagine their pain. The world and the cruel people will always try to put u down. BUT DONT LET THEM DEFEAT YOU. YOUR A HUMAN WITH A HEART AND A BRAIN. USE IT AND SHOW THE WORLD. (there is still good in the world, open your eyes and you will see it..i promise you that)


Thank you for your posting. It was very heartfelt and insightful. I hope anyone who has ever felt what you have is reading this posting. Bless you. GTKK

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