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Summary of Question:Re: Re: Khalsa
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Friday, 6/14/2002 10:32 AM MDT

The reason why one cannot say Sikhs should germinate over the world yet is because this has been done already; there are Sikhs in pretty much every country. Has this not made our beliefs weaker? True Gursikhs are now in a MINORITY to those who cut their hair take drugs and ask questions on this forum just asking for common sense they should know and "none of the god stuff, just a quick yes or no". A Khalistan would bring together a core of true Gursikhs who could prosper without worrying of the westernised temptations we see, and grow until they are ready to spread back out into the world. The primary reason why Islam is so strong all round the world as Sikhi is not is because Islam started in one area, grew strong in numbers and beliefs, and THEN spread round the world. All our Sikh brothers and sisters need to treat upholding Sikhi as the utmost belief, and the best way to do this would be form a united group of true Sikhs. Otherwise, if Sikhs continue to grow up in isolated pockets round the world, they may gradually start to fade out! The answer to this may be "They must be strong, and will persevere" but look at the situation now. In the past few months, I have not seen a SINGLE Sikh with uncut hair, but have seen many round London with trimmed hair, no beard, etc. Please post this message, it is important all views from the Sikhnet viewers are published and not hidden away.


This issue is definitely important to our readers, so I am posting as per your request. Please note that this forum is to answer the questions of the Youth and, on this topic, there are no final answers.


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