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Summary of Question:Maintaining Calm
Category:Sikh Practices
Date Posted:Sunday, 12/14/2003 7:56 AM MST

This question is for HSD. I was going over the forum and I read about the post on "sex with wife". My question has nothing to do with the guy's situation though.

What I want to know is the following: When I was reading that guy's post, I sensed a lot of .....well, let me say that even before reading your response I wanted to post a message to this guy and tell him that if he has a problem with the advice here and wants it from Sue Johnson, why doesn't he write to her. The bottomline is I was pissed about his attitude and should I say as amazed and intrigued by a very calm response on your part. I would love to maitain calm and peace w/o getting angry under such circumstances. That must be such a good feeling. Really just want to know as to how do you guys do it?
Also, it might not be a good idea to post this message, don't want to get someone upset. I'll leave it up to your discretion.

(REPLY) Sat Nam. Your comment is interesting. One of the best definitions I've ever heard for "spirituality" -- is to not get upset by anything! Reading from Siri Guru Granth Sahib on a regular basis is one way to develop a broader perspective on life (and other people) and be less reactive. Most of us are like robots, who immediately get angry and react when someone "pushes our buttons" - offends us in some way. We can only be offended or upset when we are responding with our egos, instead of our higher consciousness. It is a lifelong task to conquer the ego! So long as we're still in human form, we all have to work on ourselves. Thousands of people have found that developing stronger nervous systems through practicing Kundalini Yoga has added the strength and stamina and emotional endurance to be more calm in any circumstance. Humans are not perfect. When you see or hear of someone doing something that you feel is really wrong, be grateful it's not you! And when someone does something wonderful, be happy for them! Blessings, SP

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