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Summary of Question:Sahaj Yog And Sikhism
Date Posted:Wednesday, 5/05/2004 2:10 PM MDT

Sat Sri Akal

We are going through a lot of problems lately.I especially am not doing well in coping with the issues and am experiencing depression and chest pain.We are sikhs by religion and have full faith in Guru Granth Sahib.
Recently we were introduced to meditation form of Sahaj yoga and we felt rising of our kundalini and felt at peace.My question to you is in what way sikhism related to sahaj yoga.Is there any mention of it in our holy books?I am writing this question to find an answer of validity of my meditating form in Sikhism.Please also provide me mantras to recite when I am in pain or despair.
Thank you,
Sonia Batra

Sat Siri Akaal.
Dear Sonia,
I am happy you have found a technology that helps you. The Gurus taught us not to practice (any) yoga for yoga's sake or as a means of liberation. Guru Nanak in sidh gosht made clear that the true path to liberation is meditation on the naam. He did NOT say that yoga is bad. All of our Gurus were familiar with yogas and the benefits they bring to mind and body.
Siri Guru is replete with references to the benefits of naam simran. So, might I recommend that after your sahaj yoga practice, you spend time chanting the naam (mantra) of your choice. Sit straight, cover your head, and practice at least 11 minutes each time. Of course, doing so with others joining you is even better.
Sukhmani Sahib is great to recite for peace. It is like a condensed SGGS, truthfully, and as SGGS goes, is easier to recite and understand than other passages of Siri Guru, which have more arcane or difficult words. It seems that it would be good for you and yours to recite the Dhan Dhan Ram Das Gur shabd 11 times daily (recited) or sung as kirtan for 31 minutes. You can find it in Amrit Kirtan or elsewhere on Sikhnet site (Shabds for printing). This is a wonderful shabd to bring peace and turn one's troubles over to Guru to work a miracle. Another mantra to recite kind of on-the-go when you need a quick shift is "Ek Ong Kaar Sat Gurprasad, Sat Gurprasad Ek Ong Kaar." Like that, 5 times completely. This can shift depression and negativity. Additionally, try to recite Ang Sang Wahay Guru often throughout the day. I hope these things help.
Guru ang sang,

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