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Summary of Question:Why Do The Bad Ones Sometimes Get All The Breaks?
Category:General Sikhism
Date Posted:Friday, 9/10/2004 8:32 PM MDT

Sat Nam.

Recently a person asked why some people seem to get cut down in the prime of life, and it put my mind to a question: why is it that there are some out there, who are just evil people, who get to live well and receive honor?

As a case in point, an immigrant man I knew beat his children and first wife, raped his daughter, and drank beyond excess. When his first wife was dying, he let the power go out so she could freeze and as her dog was dying of liver failure he let the poor beast suffer so his own terminally ill wife could hear the horrible sound of the dog in pain. He remarried, returned to Europe, where he was hailed as a war hero, had a town square named for him, and now drives in a Mercedes and lives in luxury while the children have to cope with the mental turmoil that was his legacy. And I think of this and just go, WHY? Who can explain this, why innocent people seem sometimes to have to live in a hell of another person's making, and the person who did wrong gets to have the high life? What can one possibly learn from such a life, and turn it to good?

I agree with the person who posted the thing on the good ones dying young: sometimes, it does seem like our Divine Creator isn't fair. How do you reconcile things like this?

Blessed be,


Dear Elizabet,
Sat Siri Akaal. This is karma at work. Those who die young were probably paying a debt from a past life. Those 'who seem to get all the breaks' but at the expense of others will likely pay dearly as 'victims' in a subsequent incarnation, UNLESS they chant the naam and have their account erased by devotion to Guru. A true "victim" is rare. Usually a victim is paying a karma, and it is up to that person to realize that their personal choices and their consciousness can pull them out of victimization thinking and experiences. It is not necessarily a growth process one can accomplish in a single life, but it can be.

Please read SGGS. Do a sehej paath (read some every day till you finish). Read it in English (and Gurmukhi if you can). It's online from Sikhnet's homepage. Read the WHOLE SGGS and you will see this explained again and again. You will see that meditation on the naam is the cure for all evils and ills. Understand that everything that happens is by God's will --or hukum, which translates in some circles as UNIVERSAL LAW, --which I know you understand. None of us can escape this Law. Guru ang sang,

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