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Sikhism Youth - Question and Answer Forum

Dealing with Questions and Issues of Sikh Youth

Summary of Questions:
When Getting Married, What Do The Four Lama Stand For? Why A Specific Number?
Can We Dress Up And Use Cosmetics Once We Are An Amritdhari
Could You Tell Me If I'm Right?
Is Okay To Tell Little Lies In Daily Life (Eg Fibs)?
What Is Diffrent About Sikhism Than Any Other Religion?
Contraception In Marriage
Sikh Names
Show details for Why We Cut Our Nails And Not Hair?[<i><font size=-1 color=#000000>]   2 responses[</i></font>]Why We Cut Our Nails And Not Hair? 2 responses
What Is "Parkirma" ?
Show details for Why Aren't Girls Treated With Equality?[<i><font size=-1 color=#000000>]   2 responses[</i></font>]Why Aren't Girls Treated With Equality? 2 responses
Why Do Sikhs Wear Turbans?
What Is Wrong With A Sikh Person Going On A "Date" With A Girl/Boy?
What Is Wrong With Telling A Lie?
How Come Indian Sikhs Do Not Practice Yoga?
Why Do We Cut The Langar With A Kirpan During Ardas?
Why Do We Cover Our Heads?

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