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Sikhism Youth - Question and Answer Forum

Dealing with Questions and Issues of Sikh Youth

Summary of Questions:
Show details for Why Do We Call God 'Vahiguru'?[<i><font size=-1 color=#000000>]   1 response[</i></font>]Why Do We Call God 'Vahiguru'? 1 response
Hide details for Is There Life After Death? Is The Guru The Only Salvation?[<i><font size=-1 color=#000000>]   1 response[</i><Is There Life After Death? Is The Guru The Only Salvation? 1 response
Re: Is Guru The Only Salvation? - A Second Reply ( 3/29/1999 9:57 am)
Amritdhari Without Rehit
Can Armit Be Taken Twice?
Sikhism And Alcohol Drinking, (2 Replies)
Show details for Shaving The Beard - A Discussion With About A Friend Who Just Shaved.[<i><font size=-1 color=#000000>]   17 reShaving The Beard - A Discussion With About A Friend Who Just Shaved. 17 responses
Show details for My Gurdwara...[<i><font size=-1 color=#000000>]   1 response[</i></font>]My Gurdwara... 1 response
Show details for Eating "Halal" Meat[<i><font size=-1 color=#000000>]   1 response[</i></font>]Eating "Halal" Meat 1 response
Show details for Why Is It So Hard For Sikhs To Accept Me?[<i><font size=-1 color=#000000>]   3 responses[</i></font>]Why Is It So Hard For Sikhs To Accept Me? 3 responses
Show details for Can I Trim My Hair[<i><font size=-1 color=#000000>]   1 response[</i></font>]Can I Trim My Hair 1 response
Re. Why Is It Wrong To Marry Outside The Religion, Part 2
Dasam Granth
Naming Gurdware After Castes
Show details for Who Controls The Gurdware[<i><font size=-1 color=#000000>]   1 response[</i></font>]Who Controls The Gurdware 1 response
Why Is It Wrong To Marry Outside Of The Religion? Part 1
Guru Granth Saheb Jee's View On Vegetarianism
How Do I Proceed When I Am Left Behind
"Amrit Vela"
Show details for Sikhi And Homosexuality[<i><font size=-1 color=#000000>]   1 response[</i></font>]Sikhi And Homosexuality 1 response
How Is The Jathedar Selected
Show details for What Is The Proper Way Of Doing "Simran" ?[<i><font size=-1 color=#000000>]   1 response[</i></font>]What Is The Proper Way Of Doing "Simran" ? 1 response
Sikhism And Dating
Show details for Hypocrisy In Sikhism[<i><font size=-1 color=#000000>]   1 response[</i></font>]Hypocrisy In Sikhism 1 response
When Getting Married, What Do The Four Lama Stand For? Why A Specific Number?
Can We Dress Up And Use Cosmetics Once We Are An Amritdhari
Could You Tell Me If I'm Right?
Is Okay To Tell Little Lies In Daily Life (Eg Fibs)?
What Is Diffrent About Sikhism Than Any Other Religion?
Contraception In Marriage

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